Star Trek-TOS365:001


1964年4月,前空军飞行员和洛杉矶警官Gene Roddenberry带着个科幻剧集的创意前去拜访Desilu制片公司电视部门的负责人Herb Solow。Roddenberry在演艺圈并非新手,他已经向制片商们售出了不少剧本,包括《Highway Patrol》和《Have Gun Will Travel》。他还构想并创作了一个颇受欢迎但很快被砍的剧集《The Lieutenant》,领衔主演的是Gary Lockwood(他在《星际旅行》S103“前人未至之境”这一集中出现)和Robert Vaughn(很快就担任了《秘密特工(The Man from U.N.C.L.E)》的主角)。Solow满喜欢这个创意,并向Roddenberry提供了一份脚本开发协议。


包括CBS(他们制作了Desilu的《露西秀(The Lucy Show,1962-1968年上映的情景喜剧)》)在内的几家制片公司都把《星际旅行》pass掉了,但最终NBC挺身而出,买下了这个项目。他们修改了一些细节,但没动基本概念(譬如,S.S.约克镇号变成了U.S.S.企业号)。

In Apirl 1964,former Air Force pilot and los Angeles police officer Gene Roddenberry approached Herb Solow, the head of Desilu Studios’ television department, with a concept for a science fiction serise.Roddenberry was no rookie when it came to showbiz.He’d already sold a number of scripts to producers,including episodes of Highway Patrol and Have Gun Will Travel.He’d also created end produced a well-received but short-lived series called The Lieutenant,starring Gary Lockwood (Who would appear in the Star Trek episode “Where No Man Has Gone Before”)in the title role,and Robert Vaughn (soon to be cast as the lead in The Man from U.N.C.L.E).Solow liked what he had heard and offered Roddenberry a script development deal.
Roddenberry’s original pitch, which including character and set descriptions,began:

Star Trek is a Wagon Train concept-built around characters who travel to worlds “similar”to our own,and meet the action-adventure-drama which becomes our stories.Their transportation is the cruiser S.S.Yorktown, performing a well-defined and long-range Exploration-Science-Security mission which helps create our format.
The time is “Somewhere in the future”.It could be 1995 or may be even 2995.In other words,close enough to our own time for our continuing characters to be fully indentifiable as people like us,but far enough into the future for galaxy travel to be thoroughly established (happily eliminating the need to encumber our stories with tiresome scientific explanation).

Several studios,including CBS (which produced Desilu’s The Lucy Show),passed on Star Trek,but ultimately NBC stepped up and bought the project-modified in the details but not in the basic concept (for example,the S.S.Yorktown became the U.S.S.Enterprise).


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